Convenience Stores & Petrol station

You know the problem of needing an extensive selection of tobacco products, but you only have a small amount of space within your shop?

We offer you exactly the right solutions for your convenience store or petrol station.

Our sales systems HA-TowerlineShop and SmokyThek CS have been developed exactly for this field of application.

The TowerlineShop is integrated at the rear wall of your shop. The Master model with two doors offers you a capacity of about 1000 packets. In addition to an enormous capacity, you can use the unit’s doors for shelving of small products or as advertising space. Here you have two options to choose from:
On the one hand the area for a poster, on the other hand the use of a TV. The latter has the advantage that you can play new advertising content easily.

The SmokyThek CS finds its place under the sales counter. This device also holds around 900 packages. It is possible to connect several devices so that the capacity can be increased.
With both devices, the product are selected via a touch PC. This can point in the direction of the customer, and thus be used also for advertising purposes, or to the cashier staff. In both cases, the product is issued to the cashier. This ensures the maximum theft protection.
Operation via the Touch PC also offers the advantage that you can call up stocks and sales figures at any time. You can use it to analyze your bestsellers and adjust your tobacco stocks accordingly. Out-of-stock moments become history.

Beside the sales systems we offer, there is a repertoire of wooden furniture. Of course, our systems can be easily integrated within these. In addition we also offer various showcases that have plenty of space for non-food items. These products are perfectly displayed with integrated LEDs.

Interested and would like to know more? Then explore our website further or get in touch with us. We look forward to your inquiry.