
The well-established SmokyThek is a classic among vending machines and has already found its place in many a location. Whether supermarkets, convenience stores or petrol stations: It is very versatile and has successfully reduced an inventory difference of cigarettes and tobacco products – for over than 20 years.

The SmokyThek works well in areas that you would not normally consider for the storage and sale of goods.

How does it work?

For the storage area unit, we use areas that are not easily visible to the customer and where you as the operator would rather store low-priced items or no items at all. In turn, a selection unit for the products is placed in the customer’s field of vision, allowing him to select his product of choice using a keyboard or a touch PC, on condition that the legal regulations of your country permit self-selection. When the legal regulations do not permit this or you value the personal relationship with your customers, the product selection and distribution may also be carried out by the sales staff. When using a Touch PC for selecting the products, you have the advantage that you can use the visibility area for advertising purposes.

In addition, the presentation of the products is very clear. The SmokyThek also comes with a sorting function, which makes the selection process easy for both customers and employees. In addition, the Touch PC version provides you with sales statistics, filling status and recommendations for the optimum refill time.

Do you sell very few or very many cigarettes a day or a week? Would you like to provide one storage unit, with more outputs? Would you like to have several choices, but only one staff output?
No problem. The SmokyThek is very versatile and is available in different versions to meet all requirements. In addition, the systems can be interconnected to easily expand its capacity.
Would you like to learn more about SmokyThek? Then find out more here or do not hesitate to contact us.