

    HARTING Service Center

    As a cash register zone specialist, we are your local partner when it comes to installations, repairs and maintenance around the cash register zone.

    As a full-service cashier desk repair service provider, we provide various solutions through our own HARTING experts and technicians who are specially trained by us.
    We work independently of brands and manufacturers.

    Our focus is on full-service solutions for cashier desks, shelving systems and tobacco product solutions such as the SmokyThek.

    Our service specialists have a vast number of years of experience within the industry and can meet just about every challenges.

    Safety and security

    Downtimes within the cashier area requires fast action. It is better to regularly and preventively maintain complex and highly frequented systems. This way emergency situations can often be avoided. In any case, the deployment of our technicians offers you the necessary security you need for your checkout area.

    • Security that the checkout area works when in operation
    • Service security in case something breaks down during operation
    • Security of delivery that everything is on time at your location
    • Investment security if general conditions change
    • Legal certainty when selling regulated products


    Devices are becoming more increasingly digital, networking and highly complex. This changes the image of the service technician from a craftsman to an all-rounder with special IT knowledge. In addition to pure hardware assembly services, electronic components, network installations, updates and maintenance contracts are becoming increasingly important.

    We are always up to date with the latest innovations in the industry. We know the trends and are happy to advise you.


    The cash area is a technically demanding area. Innovations take place not only in the product sector but also in the service sector. This makes it an important component for always being able to offer good quality and good performance.

    As part of the HARTING Technology Group, we can rely on solutions that a simple service company could not provide. Mobile Apps especially for service specialists at your location, the latest hardware and a constantly developing service are therefore a matter of course for us.

    Kassentischreparatur Service

    Our service at a glance:

    • Cash desk installation and dismantling – Independent of manufacturer
    • Cash desk repair
    • Cash desk conversion
    • Subsequent installation of special equipment
    • Cash desk maintenance

    Do you require competent service? Then get in touch with us